Staying fit, building community and raising money for charities during the pandemic.

Founded by Bay Area high school youth who have been unable to meet in person as they would during their normal cross-country and track team practices.

Run for Hayward and Beyond is a community of (remote) runners committed to staying fit and fundraising for charities.


Our mission is to refocus on physical fitness and grassroots, broad-based economic support for charities as the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftereffects continue to stress individuals and our communities. We accomplish our goals through open initiatives in which anyone can participate.

2022 Spring and Summer Running Initiative

From May 27 - July 27, 2022, Run for Hayward challenges participants to log more miles and to continue fulfilling our commitment to staying fit while raising money for the community. During the 2022 Spring and Summer Running Initiative, Run for Hayward sponsors will match all donations up to $100 for each participant.

Join and submit your miles!

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2021 Winter and Spring Run Initiative

  • Many families are struggling and may not have the funds to purchase even simple presents for their children.

  • Join now and start running to raise money for charities through sponsorships.

  • All participants receive a $20 gift card after signing up and running or walking 20 miles (subject to sponsorship maximums).

Note: Participation is at your own risk. We are a running community and not healthcare providers. Please be sure to obtain advice from healthcare providers and personal trainers as needed before participating in a running program.

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The launch of Run for Hayward and Beyond in February of 2021. Better ourselves and impact the community one mile at a time.

Whoohoo! As of February 2021, we have secured up to $2,000 in sponsorship for runners, so new participants—no matter money, privilege or position—can join Run for Hayward and Beyond and contribute right away.


Each participant can run and reach out to their own funders such as family, friends, and businesses for sponsorship.

Not everyone has sponsors available to them. If you need help finding sponsors to raise money for charity, please contact and ask us for assistance. We have already obtained pledges from Individuals to support participants.

Get fit, log your miles, and contribute!

Note: Participation is at your own risk. We are a running community and not healthcare providers. Please be sure to obtain advice from healthcare providers and personal trainers as needed before participating in a running program.


Ready to sponsor a runner or volunteer?

Not everyone will run but you can still join our community and support our runners. Whether you would like to help our effort by contributing money to support our runners or by helping us to get the word out on social media, we welcome people of all ages and abilities to out health-oriented and supportive community.


“You can still make something beautiful and something powerful out of a really bad situation.”

— Gabe Grunewald

(as quoted in Meschke and Middlebrook 2019, Runner’s World).

Let’s stay fit, support local families and build community as we shelter in place.


Sign up to be the first to know about our initiatives and events.